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Category: Sharptailed Grouse
by Dan Craven [Dan is a Serious bird hunter who’s co-authoring our forthcoming book, Serious Pheasant Hunting, Book 1. He lives in Minnesota and goes to South Dakota every year to hunt birds, not just pheasants. Here’s the rundown of his recent trip. One word for it: awesome.] Thursday 4:00 pm – Depart for Bismarck, […]
Doom and gloom. That’s all anyone heard about Montana’s birds earlier this year. But turns out now that hunting season is here (opens Saturday), things aren’t as bad as they once seemed. Dang forecasts! Here’s the skinny, excerpted from a great article in the Great Falls Tribune. It can be summed up in one word: […]
We’ve been getting a flurry of emails the last couple of weeks about how the ruffie population looks like it’s gone up for this season. We’ll take a look at what’s being said, and then give you our opinion. Wisconsin Highlights from this article: > According to 2011 spring drumming counts from the state’s Department […]
Plus: Grouse Permits Underway, Youth Bird Hunts The length of Utah’s upland season is now extended – though the UT DNR hasn’t yet posted what the extension is and says it’s only for “most of Utah’s upland game species.” The number of birds and bunnies you can have in your possession has also increased, though […]
You Don’t Need a Dog! (Before anyone gets their skirt all a-twitter, yes, hunting with a dog can be great. But some bird hunters – even Serious ones – don’t have dogs and need to realize they still have upland bird hunting opportunities. Just have to hunt dead very thoroughly!) Michigan’s first sharp-tailed grouse season […]
The following bird forecasts are from Paul Fuller’s Bird Dogs Afield periodic emails (sign up here). A bit of explanation from Paul, and then edited versions of the forecasts: > Our bird forecasts are fresh and typically obtained within the past week [from wildlife biologists and] several folks…that are not biologists but are in the […]
It’s not every state or every species yet, but some info is trickling out. Here’s the skinny on three big bird states.
Since you’re Serious, even if you don’t hunt for ruffed grouse you no doubt know that these birds have a roughly 10-year population cycle (insight about that is in our book!).