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Category: Sage Grouse
…Habitat Story Like Quail North Dakota won’t have a sage grouse season for the fourth year in a row. Maybe not the worst thing in the world, but the story there and elsewhere is one of increasingly fragmented habitat, the same problem faced by bobwhite quail. We’re not getting fewer Americans with fewer needs/wants, so […]
…this year, anyway. Last weekend the Nevada Wildlife Commission discussed banning this year’s sage grouse season in an effort to prevent the bird as being listed as endangered, but decided to allow the hunt to happen. Here’s some background from the Reno Gazette newspaper: > Commissioner Henry Vogler said he intends to press for the […]
Plus: Grouse Permits Underway, Youth Bird Hunts The length of Utah’s upland season is now extended – though the UT DNR hasn’t yet posted what the extension is and says it’s only for “most of Utah’s upland game species.” The number of birds and bunnies you can have in your possession has also increased, though […]
Could the sage grouse really become extinct? In certain areas, yes, according to three environmental groups who filed suit against the feds last week. Background: Back in March, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – which handles endangered species stuff in this country – said that the sage grouse did merit addition to the Endangered […]
A June 8 report in the Lewiston Tribune says that “recent rainy weather has likely been deadly for baby pheasants, gray and chukar partridge and quail. The young birds are susceptible to hypothermia when rains combined with cool temperatures occur at the same time or soon after the hatch. “‘It’s not looking good right now,’ […]