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Category: NE
Competition is all over the place in the outdoors – all fishing (even fly), deer hunting, turkeys, etc. – but not so much in bird-dom. Could that change? We expect most everyone is familiar with local longest tailfeather contests among pheasant hunters. Slap your $5 or $10 or whatever it is down, measure the longest […]
Ever see those duck and goose leg bands on waterfowl hunters’ call lanyards? Maybe you’re a waterfowler yourself and have them. If so, cool – they’re legit trophies of the hunt, like shark-tooth or bear-claw necklaces and many other examples. Why are we bringing this up? Because Nebraska banded some wild pheasants this year. Details: […]
Part 1 We get it. We get why everyone likes to read bird forecasts: We all want to know how good the hunting is going to be. Yep good, not bad. We want to be psyched. So there we are, stoked about the season, sitting in our rich Corinthian leather chairs (anyone remember that commercial?!), […]
The drought affecting several Midwest and Southeast states seems to be only bad news for an already hurting national quail population. We checked in with Dr. Tom Dailey, assistant director of the Northern Bobwhite Quail Initiative, to see how the quail are doing, and found out that it’s not all bad news. But first the […]
[Jay was at last weekend’s Pheasant Fest – all Fest posts are by him.] You’re a bird-hunter, right? A Serious one – Serious as you can be. So here’s the bottom line: Do not miss next year’s Pheasant Fest. I’m typing this in the Omaha, NE airport, on my way back to scenic New Jersey […]
Even if you followed Pheasants Forever’s recent Rooster Road Trip – in which PF staffers hunted only public land – you may have missed this great follow-up video. In it, PF’s Andrew Vavra talks about the reference books/atlases he and his pheasant-busting compadres used for finding the spots they hunted, and where to obtain said […]
Here’s the final part of the interview with Pheasants Forever’s Bob St.Pierre, Anthony Hauck and Andrew Vavra re: their rooster odyssey: driving 2,200 to hunt five states in 6 days (that’s Serious!) – aka the 2010 Rooster Road Trip.
Part 1 Who says you can’t find pheasants on public land? After Pheasants Forever’s recent Rooster Road Trip (RRT), the answer should be “nobody.” In case you missed it, the RRT was PF staffers Bob St.Pierre, Anthony Hauck and Andrew Vavra driving 2,200 miles in 6 days to hunt five states: North and South Dakota, […]
Woodies Too! Obviously we love hunting for ruffed grouse, “the king of all gamebirds” (long live the king!), so we chase down as much info as we can about these birds. Enough info to fill a book…. Pheasants Forever does a good job with its annual pheasant forecast. But since ol’ ruff seems to have […]
Pheasants Forever’s state by state (not all states) Pheasant Forecast for 2010 is out. Some of the state info is helpful, some not. Would be great to have it in graph form to see trends. Anyhow, here’s the overview plus the links for each. “Pheasant numbers appear to be holding steady in the Dakotas, Kansas, […]
It’s not every state or every species yet, but some info is trickling out. Here’s the skinny on three big bird states.