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Category: CA
Have to admit one reason we bird-hunt is to get our butts kicked – and not just by the birds! Being wiped-out tired after a day of hunting is part of the fun, and that’s one reason we really, really want to go out West after the wily ol’ chukar birds. A little daydreaming about […]
California recently announced that its art contest for the 2012-13 state upland game bird stamp will feature the band-tailed pigeon (Columba fasciata). Appropriate because looks like upland hunters who think their money is helping upland birds are the real pigeons here. Excerpts from this good article in the San Bernadino Sun: Where does our Upland […]
As East-Coasters, we think about hunting out West – particularly for leg-shakingly tough chukar hunts – but are like, Why go all the way out there when we can beat ourselves up out here? Well, this may be the year to make the trip. As previously reported here, Califor-NI-A is supposed to have an off-the-charts […]
Anecdotal reports make it sound like California is shaping up for an off-the-charts-good bird season – awesome if true. Sometimes anecdotal reports indicate reality, sometimes not, either way Serious bird hunters will be out there. Reports also are anecdotal because apparently Cali Fish and Game doesn’t do bird counts. So here goes, from this article: […]
Headline sound obvious? Maybe so. Read on. If you regularly track bird-hunting news, like we do, you unfortunately see regular accounts of hunting injuries, including a few fatalities. Driving a car is still far more dangerous than taking a shotgun afield, but that doesn’t make the stories about hunting accidents feel any better. One that’s […]
CA Chukar On Fire Too Quail (and chukar) are looking “fantastic” in California, according to several reports, and California also is a standout in Quail Forever’s 2010 quail forecast. A few highlights on California from this newspaper column:
Pheasants Forever’s state by state (not all states) Pheasant Forecast for 2010 is out. Some of the state info is helpful, some not. Would be great to have it in graph form to see trends. Anyhow, here’s the overview plus the links for each. “Pheasant numbers appear to be holding steady in the Dakotas, Kansas, […]
There’s an old saying that whatever happens in California is coming to the rest of the country next. It should probably be more like “Whatever [insert favorite belittling adjective here] stuff happens in CA will leak into the rest of the country eventually.” Anyhow, the CA legislature is looking at banning lead shot in upland […]