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Category: Ruffed Grouse
In our grouse book we talk about agonizing over whether to get a first grouse gun with 28″ or 26″ barrels. Would the extra 2 inches be a disadvantage in tight cover or because of the higher weight? Should we try to find one of the rare 24″ guns?
We’ve been kicking around ideas for years to create more ruffed grouse habitat – quickly. The Ruffed Grouse Society does a great job and we heartily support it, but we kept thinking there had to be a faster way. Well, we found one, and today we’re proud to announce what that is.
And which dog is better… by Larry Rich, a fellow Serious bird hunter Over the years I’ve seen, heard and at times been lucky enough to intercept a grouse in a variety of situations, and over quite a few different dogs. Employing a little empathy and reasoning, I’ve come to have an opinion on how […]
A recent post on the Pheasants Forever website quotes Steve Smith, head editor of Pointing Dog Journal and Retriever Journal, as saying the following to the question of “if you could have only one” dog: “If your idea of a good time is a German shorthair pointing, relocating, pointing, relocating all the way down a […]
The forecast called for rain on Thursday, the third and final day of our Tennessee hunt. But as of 11:00 Wednesday night there hadn’t been much wind let alone rain. Yet unfortunately, the forecast was enough to discourage the hunter and dog supposed to fund with us day 3. Didn’t matter, we were going hunting.
We figured we hit a good number of lower areas on day 1 – lower meaning wetter. Still more than 2,000 feet. Day 1 was good, but not great. So on day 2 we decided to get high. Go high.
We were in Tennessee last week because we couldn’t just let the ruffed grouse season peter out with a whimper. We’re Serious man! Honestly that’s true, though the decision was easier because:
Next week we’ll be in that well-known grouse capital…Tennessee. Yep, the Tennessee season is open through the last week in February, and since we’re unwilling to wait until October to beat ourselves silly again, we’re going to hoof it around the spring-like temps of the Smokies and try to get lucky. With the birds.
Day 3 dawned gray and cold. No big deal, about the same as day 2. Our clothes were surprisingly dry (not an ounce of moisture in that hotel room), and as we left it started to snow. We were happy about that because a fresh snow meant the ability to track grouse.
Brendan’s brother Sean, a regular hunting compadre of ours in Maine, joined us for the remainder of the trip. We were psyched to have Sean there. He’s a good shot, sees birds with some kind of Superman X-ray vision, and with three guys we can cover more ground WAY more efficiently – and the covers […]
Brendan flew into Newark from North Carolina last Monday morning with a stomach bug and three hours of sleep, but he was up for hunting – of course. He swung by Jay’s house in Jersey, and we high-tailed it out of town to our old stomping grounds in eastern Pennsylvania. Yeah! Though our hunting area […]
Next week we’ll be hitting a patch of eastern PA forest we haven’t hunted for a couple years. In many ways it’s where we (or at least Jay, since he started late) cut our grouse-hunting teeth. Lots of grouse, even though we were assured by many knowledgeable folks (including DNR folks) that almost no grouse […]
We all know ruffies are in many states, but even the most diehard, knowledgeable grouse hunters probably would doubt South Carolina had any. Turns out it does. Of course the big question is how many
A while back, before the start of grouse season, we and many others read a column in the Minneapolis Star Tribune that asked why the number of ruffed grouse hunters is down. At the time we were too busy running around trying to find birds to address it. But now, even though we should be […]
We don’t – probably because we’re mostly grouse hunters…. But seriously – do you keep score? We’re talking dead birds here, not flushes, and then using that bird count as the ultimate value of your experience and your (alleged!) proficiency. We’re asking because of two things. One is that we got a note from a […]
We don’t know how this was made or who the heck made it, but sounds like a hunter – note the Fox reference – except for the “ruffled,” which might have been on purpose to make it funnier. Why hunt every weekend for grouse? And we quote: “Because the ruffled grouse is the king, regardless […]
Winter can be a great time to hunt ruffed grouse. Okay, anytime is a good time to hunt grouse (maybe – maybe – no so much in the early season) but winter can be particularly good. If, as always, you find where the birds are.
DNH. Did Not Hunt. Never thought it would happen, never had happened before no matter what the conditions. But on day 6 in Minnesota we were SOL. A record low-pressure storm – basically a land hurricane – sat on top of a huge chunk of the United States, including Minnesota. Wind, rain, snow, more wind […]
We knew some bad weather was heading our way later in the week, so our plan for day 4 was to get the most out of it – meaning hunt the areas where we’d found the most birds. That area was about an hour away, but after a disappointing day 3, we were all for […]
Even though the weather forecast was a little inhospitable, we had our hopes up for day 3. We’d found some birds, decent numbers, and thought we’d patterned them: We were looking for aspens or alders near aspens – all the right size, of course – with enough moisture in the ground to provide greenery for […]