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We want to hunt Gambel’s quail. You know, those quail with the topknot that run around the desert and hop on cacti. Jay in particular wants to do it because he still carries images of his head of when he was out in the country around Phoenix one time, and saw “hundreds” of quail running […]
Along with the Irish Setter Wingshooters, another piece of gear Sean tested on the Maine trip was the L.L. Bean Technical Upland Soft-Shell Jacket. No secret Jay and Brendan are big fans of L.L. Bean’s upland gear – because Bean continues to push the envelope in upland gear, one of only a few companies that […]
Here’s the first of a few posts we’re doing about gear we’re using this year. Really it’s gear we’re “testing” because if the gear flakes out, we don’t use it anymore. Few notes before diving in: > At this point we pretty much know what we like and need – meaning we’ve bought and run […]
If you read our first book, you know that when we wrote it we admitted we didn’t wear glasses in the grouse woods, that it was stupid and that we were on the hunt for glasses that fit the bill. Or really that fit the bill for all types o’ birdin’. To that end, last […]
Maybe it’s different out in the vast open expanses of the Midwest and West, but out here in the wooded East, you need a GPS…and we’d encourage you to have one wherever you hunt. In fact, you and whoever you hunt with should each have one. A good one. The GPS we’ve used for years […]
In a future post we’ll talk about gear we’re still looking for, things we need as Serious birders but are as yet unavailable on the market. Thankfully, one item we crossed off the list this year is rain jackets. We make no bones about the fact that we absolutely believe LL Bean makes many of […]