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Category: Quail
If you can hunt pheasants or grouse right outside your door, it’s probably not spring yet. But for the rest of us, spring is either here or sticking its toe in the door. Spring means nesting gamebirds, and we’ve all read over the years how wet or dry springs can affect nesting success. On the […]
We recently got an email about a new website – – for the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI). Checked it out, looks important but we weren’t sure what it means to hunters. So we asked NBCI communications director John Doty a few questions, here they are with his answers:
Shannon Tompkins of the Houston Chronicle recently wrote a poignant, personal account of the decline of bobwhite quail in his home state of Texas. We’d love to run the piece in full but that’s a no-no, so here’s a link to the full piece – below are some excerpts:
Quail Maybe Not So Hot The Oklahoma pheasant season opens tomorrow, Dec. 1, and runs through the end of January. Good news for Okies because the forecast is good. (Incidentally, the OK regs say that “legal means of taking” ditch chickens include “shotgun (conventional or muzzleloading), archery equipment, legal raptors, hand-propelled missile, slingshot…” so get […]
Still No Apology? Here are the rest of the details from the recent The Washington Post article about the world’s most famous bird-shooting accident: > No one in the vice president’s entourage said a word about it publicly until the next morning, when Katharine Armstrong, the daughter of the ranch’s owner, spoke with a reporter […]
Part 1 The most famous accident in bird hunting was, of course, when our former VP Dick Cheney blasted an alleged friend of his while quail hunting in Texas, nearly killing the gentleman in the process. Just how serious was the accident? What details abour it are coming out now? And did Cheney ever apologize? […]
Biologists at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department say they are “cautiously optimistic” about quail prospects this season, which opened Oct. 30 statewide. But if you read below, looks like quail numbers are going to be down, though up from last year. As we’ve said before, it DOESN’T MATTER. You’re Serious, so get out and […]
CA Chukar On Fire Too Quail (and chukar) are looking “fantastic” in California, according to several reports, and California also is a standout in Quail Forever’s 2010 quail forecast. A few highlights on California from this newspaper column:
Huns and Quail Too, Pheasants Not So Much We’ve been assured by some good folks in the Pacific Northwest – including the ex-HMFIC at G. Loomis – that even with our walk-’em-up ruffed grouse conditioning, we are likely not in “steep up/steep down” chukar shape. Which naturally makes us want to hunt chukars. Bad. Nevada […]
Bobwhites Too Although precious few states do it, they have every incentive to pump us all up for bird season. South Dakota has the birds and the PR machine to do it, and they do. Colorado is trying this year. Oddly, few other states – Pennsylvania and Maine come to mind – do it. Add […]
It’s not every state or every species yet, but some info is trickling out. Here’s the skinny on three big bird states.
Lots of people, even if they’re not conscious of it, would like more quail. They’d like to hear them, see them if they’re lucky, just know they’re there. The steps to do that include less development (not happening) and more habitat management (not happening enough – yet – but some good folks are working on […]
The new sign-up for the federal Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) will help replace some pheasant- and quail-friendly habitat that has been lost to agriculture, but not all of it, according to an article in the Omaha, NE World-Herald. The CRP pays landowners to retire marginal cropland from production and plant it with grasses and flowering […]
Today we saw that the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) is now a member of the Georgia Bobwhite Technical Team, marking the first time the NWTF “has officially signed on to benefit bobwhite quail in Georgia.” That’s all well and good, potentially, but the key part of the release is this language (our emphasis in […]
A June 8 report in the Lewiston Tribune says that “recent rainy weather has likely been deadly for baby pheasants, gray and chukar partridge and quail. The young birds are susceptible to hypothermia when rains combined with cool temperatures occur at the same time or soon after the hatch. “‘It’s not looking good right now,’ […]