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Category: Quail Forever
by Jay We’ve been getting a bunch of “where are you guys?” emails the last few weeks – must be getting closer to bird season! Definitely getting there, thank goodness. The waiting…the anticipating…. In response to all the inquiries, wanted to bring you all up to speed about the hiatus here at SBH, in no […]
Quail, the most beleaguered of our beloved gamebirds, is getting a helping hand in Kansas. Or rather, a bigger helping hand. The state just announced that it’s “launching a new quail restoration initiative aimed at making a difference in declining bobwhite quail populations at a landscape level.” Here’s more: > Includes the designation of two […]
by Jay Well, if you weren’t there, you missed it. Seriously. Pheasant/Quail Forever’s Pheasant Fest and Quail Classic in Kansas City, MO was what you, a Serious bird hunter, wish every hunting and outdoor show would be. Namely bird-focused, full of like-minded and nice folk talking about dogs, guns and that kind of stuff, and […]
Pheasants/Quail Forever’s Pheasant Fest/Quail Classic is coming up soon at KC, MO (see info in right column), and just in case you’re thinking it’s too far or whatever, here are the Top 10 – really just 10 of many – reasons to go. We’re doing it Letterman-style, 10 to 1. 10. What else are you […]
That’s the title of a recent blog post by Don McKenzie, who has the tough position of being director of the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI). Tough because bobwhite quail are arguably facing the toughest road of any game animal, and it turns out that bird hunters aren’t helping enough. To see what we mean, […]
USDA Not Helping Enough No surprise to anyone that bobwhites aren’t doing so hot overall. But an official declaration that “conservation efforts on behalf of bobwhite quail and other native grasslands birds are far inadequate to stop their decline in the U.S.” hasn’t happened (we don’t think) until recently. A coalition of 25 state wildlife […]
The answer for growing more ruffed grouse is the same for all gamebirds: more habitat. No secret there. And in the case of grouse, that means cut trees. Cut ’em! They’ll grow back! And in the meantime, grouse and basically everything that lives in a forest will benefit. But that’s not as easy nor logical […]
We recently got an email about a new website – – for the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI). Checked it out, looks important but we weren’t sure what it means to hunters. So we asked NBCI communications director John Doty a few questions, here they are with his answers:
CA Chukar On Fire Too Quail (and chukar) are looking “fantastic” in California, according to several reports, and California also is a standout in Quail Forever’s 2010 quail forecast. A few highlights on California from this newspaper column: