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Category: 2011
Seems like these bird forecasts are like media coverage of the economy: self-fulfilling, and rarely good. A recent article in MN’s Star Tribune newspaper noted that: “The predicted decline in Minnesota’s pheasant population this season has caused some hunters to skip ringneck hunting. The Department of Natural Resources sold 66,747 pheasant stamps through [Oct. 17], […]
When a state issues a press release about ruffed grouse that’s combined with one about raccoon populations and then it puts the ‘coons first, that shows you where the crazy forest chickens rank in the pantheon of game…in that state, at least (lol). Anyhow, the good news is that West Virginia’s grouse populations are supposed […]
Doom and gloom. That’s all anyone heard about Montana’s birds earlier this year. But turns out now that hunting season is here (opens Saturday), things aren’t as bad as they once seemed. Dang forecasts! Here’s the skinny, excerpted from a great article in the Great Falls Tribune. It can be summed up in one word: […]
Just in case there was any doubt (other than common sense) that poor bird forecasts hurt tourism, a recent article on had this to say: > A survey released last week showing Iowa’s pheasant population is at an all-time low is not only bad news for hunters, it’s a big blow for the Iowa […]
Last year we did this and it was a super-popular post, so here it is again. This is a compilation of info from newspaper reports, info from Paul Fuller/Bird Dogs Afield, the Ruffed Grouse Society’s (RGS) forecast and the forecast in the autumn issue of The Upland Almanac – plus a little anecdotal info we’ve […]
Kansas has been suffering through a drought and record high temps this year, and even though the state was hoping that the effects on their darn good bird population wouldn’t too bad, appears that’s not the case…which shouldn’t be much of a surprise. Today Kansas issued its 2011-12 bird forecast, and the summary of the […]
…How Does It Look To You? Pheasants Forever (PF) just published its pheasant hunting forecast for the season, and it looks…well, that’s the first question – how do you think it looks? Here are PF’s few-word summaries for each state: California – Average Year by Modern Standards (3) Colorado – Northeast Up While Southeast Prospects […]
…Still In the 6 Figs Along with Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota, North Dakota has now officially joined the list of major pheasants states where this year’s pheasant population is forecast to be down. The state said that its roadside pheasant survey in late July and August “suggests poor production this spring, meaning a […]
…We’re Going Anyway! Maine is one of many states that doesn’t publish an upland bird forecast – which we used to think was slacking but now think might be a good idea (more on that later in the week). So every year at least one member of the press chases down the upland bird biologist […]
Iowa used to be a pretty major destination for pheasant hunters, but the last few years has put the kabosh on that. This year won’t help either. The Iowa DNR just released a short, to the point forecast that can be summed up in this quote from it: “The Iowa pheasant population has fallen to […]
To follow up on yesterday’s post, here are some good deets on the South Dakota count/forecast from an article at Highlights: > The decline from the 10-year average is 41 percent. But Travis Runia, GF&P senior upland game biologist, who prepared the report, noted that the past 10 years have been epic in the […]
…Hunting Will Still Be Good? The official South Dakota pheasant count is in, and it ain’t prettty: a 46% decline in brood numbers from last year. Before going any further, here’s our standard disclaimer about counts and forecasts: > Use them more of an indicator than as the final word. > Because you’re Serious, you’re […]
Dismal. That’s the word Star Tribune writer Doug Smith starts off with in a blog post about what this year’s pheasant season might look like for Minnesotans – those Minnesotans who don’t already head for points west during pheasant season, that is. Highlights (if you can call them that) of the post below: > Dismal. […]
Lakes states newspapers have been reporting that the grousing will be off the charts in MN and WI (though we did get an anecdotal report that WI may not be all that in some areas), and now comes a recent report that Michigan may be similarly stellar. Time for a “Yooper” invasion! Some highlights of […]
But Bad Stuff Stirring in MA New England and ruffies (aka, wood or furry chickens) go together like deep-fried hotdogs and Mountain Dew. Okay, maybe not the right analogy but you get the drift. Here’s some info about the best New England grouse state – Maine! – as well as some not-so-good rumblings about an […]
If you’ve been reading here for a bit you know we don’t put a lot of faith in counts or forecasts, unless maybe they’re drastically low…but we still read every one! The latest comes from Kansas, aka “the other South Dakota,” some excerpts from a state press release about its pheasant pops looking good…or maybe […]
Sounds like biologists fear the wet Montana spring hasn’t been good for upland birdies – but it might not be all bad for re-nesting pheasants. Then again, you can’t really know if it’s bad or good until you’re out there in the fall…and you’re hunting no matter what anyone says because your Serious, right? Anyhow, […]
We’ve been getting a flurry of emails the last couple of weeks about how the ruffie population looks like it’s gone up for this season. We’ll take a look at what’s being said, and then give you our opinion. Wisconsin Highlights from this article: > According to 2011 spring drumming counts from the state’s Department […]