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Category: Chokes
If you get The Upland Almanac – we guess the “The” is pronounced like “The” Ohio State University (lol) – you will have seen the following table in the Flushes section of the Spring 2011 issue. Question is, what does it tell us?
Bob St. Pierre at Pheasants Forever is one of the best writers in the bird world, and recently put up another interesting post, this one about the two things that have given him shooting confidence: > A good dog. > A skeet choke. Let’s talk about the latter. We’ll start with a couple Hosannahs. Next, […]
We stumbled across an article by NC writer Dick Jones that told of an experience he had, or witnessed, at the Northeast Side-by-Side Classic – where, in case it’s not obvious enough (!), people only shoot SxSs. A champion shooter named JD was having a tough day with an old gun. For the rest of […]