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Category: Non-lead
We love the facts that Federal 1) pushes the envelope in shotshells, 2) made a unique pheasant shell that works as advertised (Prairie Storm), 3) donates money to Pheasants Forever for every box sold of Prairie Storm and 4) is a company that actually comes out with new upland products – they haven’t given up […]
We get forwarded this email from Field & Stream that says it has a link to the Ultimate Bird Hunting Shotshell Guide. We’re skeptical of all such claims, but decide to check it out because, hey, we hunt birds! But we’re fully aware that these things are worded to get us to click, and might […]
Once in a while we run across articles or op-eds like the one that appeared recently in the Des Moines Register. The points generally are that lead is no longer necessary in ammo thanks to lead alternatives, and that lead in game harms wildlife and people: No matter how careful one is with cleaning the […]