Gift Idea: Rite in the Rain Notebooks
‘Tis the season of gifts and giving, and as you might have noticed we’ve mentioned a few ideas and wants recently. Here’s another, this time penned by C.H. Judson of internet retailer Wood & Metal.
Why? Because C.H. is a bird-hunter who only sells quality, battle-tested stuff. In fact, if we got his story straight, he’s a bird-hunter who decided to sell this stuff because he likes it so much. We respect his opinions and find them interesting, thought you might be in the same boat. Plus, as you can see from his ad at right, he wants to reach out to fellow Serious bird-heads.
I was fortunate enough to go grouse hunting on two separate occasions in the past week, the second being with a determined friend and his compound bow. This ended up being a perfect time to take some photos and do a write up on Rite in the Rain’s Upland Hunting Journal.
I was hoping this write-up would be a story of successful days of hunting, but as we all know, that’s not always the case. These trips limited the use of the Upland Hunting Journal to tracking the weather, out of season wildlife and unproductive hunt locations.
Rite in the Rain is an amazing product – you can read more about the company and its products from our recent factory tour. You can write in all weather conditions, either with a pencil or their specially formulated waterproof ink.
This is crucial in the Pacific Northwest, where I live and where it seems to rain more often than not. [We’re hard-pressed to remember a totally dry grouse trip either….] The best part about the Rite in the Rain Upland Journal is not just the fact that you can write in the rain, but that it can withstand many rough trips to the field, even on days when you don’t have too much to write.
In the past when I wanted to mark hunt locations I found memorable, I’ve used my GPS or more recently my iPhone. Both have failed me, as electronics tend to do, and I needed a simpler solution. Of course, had I properly backed everything up this wouldn’t be a problem, but isn’t that always the case!

An interior Upland Hunting Journal page – not the clearest shot but should give you an idea (W&M photo).
I started using a standard Rite in the Rain 4″x6″ pocket notebook, then realized they had a notebook specifically for upland hunting (and others, including waterfowl, turkey, etc.). I picked up my first Upland Hunting Journal and am glad I did.
Previously I just jotted down what came to mind and this worked, but not great. The Upland Hunting Journal has pre-defined fields to fill in, which has proven to be incredibly helpful as it encouraged me to write down data that I may not have thought of at the time.
Later, when going through my hunting notes and planning a day around the time of year, location and weather, I find invaluable information by just flipping through the pages without having to read through my own ramblings. On certain days where I have more info to write about than fits in the pre-defined columns, I use the blank back side of the page, which has more than enough space.
The Rite in the Rain Upland Hunting Journal is a great, affordable solution to keeping your memories in line with reality. At Wood & Metal we sell it combined with the Rite in the Rain waterproof pen and a cordura case or as an individual refill.
Thanks for reading and happy hunting.
– C.H.
> We actually prefer the blank notebooks because we have our own “secret code” for writing things down, plus we like to sketch the covers where we find birds. What we especially like about these notebooks is that they don’t get ruined by water, which somehow always seems to be present on clothes and whatnot in the truck.
Category: Rite in the Rain, Wood and Metal