PF Rooster Road-Trippers Q&A, Part 2

December 8, 2011 | By | Reply More

The end of a Road Trip day – sweet! (PH photo)

As the title says, here’s the second and final part of our Q&A with the guys who went on Pheasants Forever’s (PF) recent and 2nd annual Rooster Road Trip. Quick review: 5 states in 5 days, all public land, they find birds. Serious.

Here we go, some good info.

SBH: Which one place you hunted this year do you wish you had more time to hunt?

Bob St. Pierre: Kansas. I’m now hooked on bobwhite quail. We had so much fun when those coveys rose. What a blast! I’m actually heading back to Kansas soon for a couple days of vacation. [So, uh, the hunting trip before was…work?! Awesome!]

Anthony Hauck: Kansas was phenomenal. Making our first stop in the uplands there, we came across pheasants, bobwhite quail, prairie chickens, turkeys, mule deer and whitetails. You can go to a zoo and not see as many animals as we saw there. It was just awesome.

Andrew Vavra: If I could, I’d head back to Nebraska. It doesn’t get as much pressure as some of the other upland states, but it still has plenty of land to walk and birds to chase. Compared to my usual busting through Minnesota cattails, the different habitat and terrain of southwestern Nebraska is great, worth experiencing in itself.

Can you give us one piece of hunting insight you got from the birds or dogs?

Bob: Our co-worker Rehan grew up in Kansas City and has hunted quail more than any of the three of us combined. After watching some of our quail shooting misses, he advised us to take more time before we start shooting on the covey’s rise. He said, “Count to 2, pick one bird out and then fire.” I hit the next three quail I shot at after that nugget. Thanks Rehan!

Here's one reason the guys loved Kansas.... (PF photo)

Anthony: When pheasant numbers are a bit more robust, you can make out okay without a dog. When the numbers are a bit more depressed, you just can’t expect many opportunities unless you have a dog – this is coming from the dogless guy on the Rooster Road Trip, so heed these words.

Andrew: Once the dog “gets it,” the dog is always right. Their hunts are filled with sights, sounds and especially scents that you and I can’t begin to fathom. So if your pup wants to double back on you, stop and wait. If he or she wants to veer off from the pack, then you should be following close behind.

There may be a couple wild goose chases from time to time, but I guarantee your game bag will be heavier because of it.

Tell us what one piece of gear either performed flawlessly or will you now never leave home without.

Here's Bob's new favorite strap vest (Browning photo).

Bob: As long as it’s not sub-zero temps outside, I prefer wearing a strap vest more than a hunting jacket or traditional vest. After the Rooster Road Trip, I’ve converted over to Browning’s Bird ‘n Lite Strap Vest away from the other three brands of strap vests I own.

The Bird ‘N Lite strap vest has 3 straps across the chest to comfortably displace the weight of shells and birds. It also has two easy-to-reach water bottle holders. I also like the fact that it’s more collapsible than some of the other pack-style strap vests, making it easier to load in a truck full of gear.

Anthony: In a country drowning in an oversaturation of “performance” jackets and fleeces, the Hells Canyon Jacket from Browning is a real life preserver. I wore it every day of the Rooster Road Trip, and I’m sure Bob and Andrew could tell….

Andrew:  Although I can’t say I’ll never leave for a hunt without it, I think throwing a GoPro HD camera into the hunting equation has added a whole new twist to things. Being able to come home and share some of the more exciting moments (yes, including the missed shots…) with friends and family is a fun and special experience.

Thanks for the info guys! Dang it we didn’t stow away on this year’s trip but will work on it for next year. Wait…did we just say that out loud?

– End of part 2 of 2 –


Category: Browning, KS, Pheasants, Pheasants Forever

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