Who Out There Uses a Call?

October 11, 2011 | By | Reply More

Foghorn isn't into the whole calls thing....

We’re not diehard quail hunters (yet), so we found the following tidbit very interesting (from this Arizona paper):

The best time to hunt is in the morning when the quail are calling and moving in the search for food. Some hunters prefer to use a call, and then wait for the coveys to answer. The strategy saves time and walking.

Quail calls may be purchased at most sporting goods stores. While walking in the field, stop frequently to listen for birds. Gambel’s and scaled quail make a variety of sounds. Learning to recognize the calls they make is the key to success.

Calls for gamebirds?! That’s awesome! Guess it makes sense, given all the turkey-calling.

We’ve joked and half-joked about various techniques or gimmicks – visual and audio, respectively – for fooling ruffed grouse and pheasants. The whole “hawk screech from an e-collar” thing may deserve to be in this category.

Regardless, this seems like a frontier that might be fun to explore…if anyone has the time….


> Here is the sound of Haydel’s Bobwhite game call.

> Primos makes two different types of quail calls – Mountain and Valley – as well as a chukar call.

> Hmmm. This is making us think. We’re going to haul along a hawk call grouse hunting next week to see if it stops a running bird. Anyone ever try it?

Listen to this guy’s bird calls – amazing!


Category: Calls, Chukar, Quail

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